ROCK READY | Top 10 Canadian Chart
Week Ending April 29, 2017

"Rock Ready" by Jean Beauvoir from "Faith" his Crown Of Thorns series of albums began spinning Thursday, April 20, 2017 on Revolution X Radio, Canada as a featured song. On April 23, Revolution X radio announced the single debuted in their radio charts at #13, less than three days after Beauvoir releasing the album to Canadian Radio. In less than another week it has reached the Top 10.
The album "Faith" released through Sony Red (US) contains songs with infectious guitar riffs, soaring hook lines and great melodies is hailed by critics and fans alike as being one of the more premier Crown Of Thorns works by Beauvoir to date. Upon release songs on the album received heavy airplay throughout the US and abroad on ROCK RADIO and SIRIUS XM stations. The single "Rock Ready" from the album is featured in MTV's Rock Band Game and available on XBOX 360, PlayStation 3 and Wii. "The One" another song on the album was recently included in "Songs That Make Your Heart Skip A Beat" (February 2017) by Debbie Mazella, Program Director for Magic 98.3 - New Jersey. It was included with songs by other well known artist's Ed Sheeran, Joan Jett, Journey, Jackie Greene, Foo Fighters, Coldplay and others.
As a solo artist Jean Beauvoir is a multi-platinum vocalist, songwriter and producer. As a multi-instrumentalist he has written, recorded and produced award winning albums throughout his career placing him in a very elite group of artist's within the music industry, and one of the most sought after songwriters. He has collaborated (written and/or produced hits) with KISS, The Ramones, N'Sync, John Waite, Desmond Child, Lionel Richie and many others.
Revolution X Radio | Canada's #1 Online Radio Station is a fully licensed, listener supported station covering Ontario, Canada with a global reach featuring 100% All Request Rock & Metal Radio.