RFK MEDIA "Live The Rock" Special on The Rock Altar hosted by Mike Badaracco of Rockin' with B-Rock. The RFK MEDIA Special guests include Ron Keel, Aaron Fischer, Dwain Miller, Pamela Moore, Roy Cathey, Jake Tripp, Peter Summit, Carl Raether, and a surprise or 2!
FROM B-ROCK: First, if watching the live stream in this group or The Rock Altar please when Streamyard asks if it has permission to use your name PLEASE CHECK THE BOX that it is ok, unless you would rather remain anonymous with comments.
Also, it will be streamed LIVE to YouTube, I suggest using this as a preferred. Why, I will be playing music and SOMETIMES FB doesn’t like that. https://youtube.com/@rockinwithb-rock7452?feature=sharea just click the link and you will see the LIVE stream on the page, you can also click the “live” tab and find it on my YouTube page.
Either way it will be a great time and looking forward to seeing all you in comment sections!!! See everyone at 3 pm EST!!!!
